The Reimagining Safety documentary includes experts discussing how policing and incarceration create more harm than good, why the system persists, and what changes can be made to make everyone safe.
The panel focus will be on the obstacles, including but not limited to the perceptions of policing and the criminal justice system as well as governmental policy
The idea of abolition is currently seen as a radical one. Let us engage in a conversation about transforming public safety that is not often held.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
at Montclair
67 Church St, Montclair, NJ
Fletcher Hall
Wednesday, July 12
Doors open at 6:30pm
Screening to begin at 6:40pm
Panel will immediately follow
Watch the Trailer
Visit the Reimagining Safety movie website.
About the Panelists

Matthew Solomon
Matthew Solomon was born and raised in Los Angeles and has been in the entertainment business for most of his adult life–first in music and then as an award-winning writer/director. His passion for people, equity, and social justice led him to work as a consultant for organizations needing help with conflict resolution and partnership building. During the pandemic, he returned to school to obtain a Master’s degree in Public Administration so that he could have more of an impact in helping to create communities that work for everyone. His course of study involved a deep dive into understanding policing, the carceral system, and public safety. Now, his work involves utilizing art to influence positive change.

Christina Khalil
Political Activist
Christina Khalil is a native of New Jersey, and a first generation Egyptian who grew up in foster care. Christina has a Masters in Social Work, is dual licensed as an LCADC and CSAT, and is currently working toward her LSW. She volunteers for various organizations and in educational environments and during COVID, Christina worked at a hospital and medical detox center. While giving her time in so many areas, Christina realized our current elected leaders are detached from the realities of the struggles of working people. As such, she is committed to working toward change in her home state.

Chuck Modiano
Social Justice Journalist
Chuck Modiano is a journalist, educator and youth advocate dedicated to exposing power, police oppression, and privilege through articles, videos, and social media (@chuckmodi1). He has amplified unheard voices at hundreds of protests and uprisings including Ferguson, Baltimore, Standing Rock, Charlottesville, DC Post-George Floyd Protests and current #StopCopCity protests in Atlanta. He has been a contributing author to “Killing Trayvons”, “Football Culture and Power”; a sports columnist for Deadspin, NY Daily News, etc.; and hasn’t stopped fight the employment of Colin Kaepernick.

Imani Oakley
Political Organizer
Imani Oakley, a seasoned political organizer from Montclair, New Jersey, brings over 10 years of experience in government, campaigns, media, and political strategy. With a passion for empowering marginalized communities, she embarked on a path of public service after law school, serving as a Constituent Advocate for the U.S. Senate. Imani has fought against corruption and worked to safeguard democracy through her former roles as the Creator and Host of Upfront NOW! in partnership with Eyes on NJ News, the Northern Vice Chair of the Progressive Democrats of New Jersey, and a congressional candidate in New Jersey’s 10th Congressional District. She currently owns and operates PIRO Solutions LLC, providing affordable services to progressive candidates and grassroots organizations.

Olayemi Olurin
Movement Attorney
Olayemi Olurin is a public defender, and represents people who cannot afford representation, who unfortunately and uncoincidentally, make up the vast majority of the people churned through the criminal system. Olurin educates people about systemic racism, abolition, and why we should divest from the prison industrial complex. She’s a prominent voice in the movement to decarcerate and close Rikers, an infamous pre-trial detention center in NYC where 18 people have died in the last year.

Alex Vitale
Alex Vitale is Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Policing and Social Justice Project at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center, He has spent the last 30 years writing about policing and consults community based movements, human and civil rights organizations, and governments internationally. Prof. Vitale is the author of City of Disorder: How the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics and The End of Policing.
Watch the panel live on 7/12!
We welcome donations to support the showing of this film and the important work around policing. Online donations can be made at https://buy.stripe.com/eVa2c92dsh0G5eU144
This is a not-for-profit event. All monies raised will go directly to event expenses, and to continue to support the Reimagining Safety documentary.
The Global Pan-African Movement, North America is serving solely as the fiscal agent for the “Reimagining Safety” movie screening and panel discussion event, to be held on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. All online donations will be submitted to the Global Pan-African Congress, Inc., via DonorBox, for collection. One-hundered percent (100%) of online donations, minus DonorBox fees, will be presented for payment of event expenses upon conclusion of the donation window, which will be on July 13, 2023 at 11:59pm. The Global Pan-African Movement, North America will not retain any funds collected and claims no responsibility for the planning or coordination of this event.